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List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

MAN TGA XXL 6x2 DL 74485 (-)
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MAN TGA 18.440 XXL DL 68781 (-)
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MAN TGA XXL DLE 09715 (-)
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MAN TGA 26.440 XL 6x2WMAH18ZZ97M473109 200720112011PI-EE 140 (2007-2011)
DPL 18TA (2011-2014)
DL 70919 (2011-2011)
DW 275XE (2015-2018)
DZL XN05 (2018-)
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MAN TGA 18.460 XXL 2003DLE 20755 (2016-)
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