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User Statistics:
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
PO 1745U
Star 742615 19931993PO 1745U (2003-)
2130 (-)
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PO 79288
Star 742SUS07422KS0002580 19951995PO 79288 (2001-)
2131 (-)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (/0)
PO 8720L
Star 742 2013PO 8720L (2004-2013)
2134 (-2013)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (1/1)
PO 9245L
Star 742SUS07422KW0005412 199819992021PO 9245L (2004-)
2136 (-2021)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (1/1)
PO 9448R
Star 742SUS07422KW0005504 19981999PZK 878C (1999-2005)
PO 9448R (2005-)
2135 (-)
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